The Prayer List

Please keep the following in our prayers:


Prayer List:


Sis. Bernice Barnes

Deacon. Kenneth Brown

Sis. Georgeanna Cann 

Sis. Frances Colquitt 

Sis. Geraldine Daniels

Sis. Mamie Davis

Sis. Etta Dawkins

Sis. Martha Dickerson

Sis. Thelma Drew

Sis. Barbara Dunbar

Bro. Anthony Edwards 

Trustee Catherine Floyd

Deaconess Esther Gilliam 

Rev. Jane Harvey

Deaconess Doris Johnson

Sis. Maxinella Miller 

Sis. Rose Powell

Bro. Lorton Pryor

Bro. Paul Stanley 

Bro. Gladys West



Friends and Family:



Sis. Dolores Bailey

Sis. Shevon McNeil-Brown

Sis. Joyce Cain

Bro. Jamber Cook

Sis. Belinda Fields

Bro. Ernie Gibbons

Sis. Aurelia Green

Sis. Mitrsha Green

Sis. Nathaniel Green

Sis. Angela Barnes-Hargess

Sis. Kiara Holloway

Bro. Eugene Johnson, Jr. 

Sis. Geneva Johnson

Sis. Nella S. Johnson

Bro. Kenneth Kirkland

Sis. Esther Marshall

Sis. Nicole McNeil 

Sis. Wilhelmina Mines

Sis. Patricia Moore

Bro. Julian Pankey

Bro. Shawn Robin

Sis. Vancie Robins

Bro. Eric Ross

Bro. Kenneth Stevens

Bro. Patrict Tann

Sis. Patricia Thomas

Bro. Robert Woodson

Bro. Craig West.






Send a card; make a call, but most of all remember them in prayer.  

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise them up. 

Contact Us

Fifty Ninth Street Baptist Church

315 South 59th Street


Philadelphia, PA 19143


Phone: 215 474 8750


Fax:  215 748 6698


What Keeps Us Going

We're here to welcome you. 


1st Sun., Holy Communion 09:30 a.m. 

1st Sun., Baptism  9:30 a.m.

Worship Service 07:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Sunday School  09:30 a.m. (following 07:45 a.m service)


Bible Study       Wed.  11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Prayer Meeting  Wed.  12:00 p.m. - 01:00 p.m.

Bible Study       Wed.  06:30 p.m. - 07:30 p.m.

Prayer Meeting  Wed.  07:30 p.m. - 08:30 p.m. 



Online on Tunein radio, Gospel Highway 11, 


Wednesday through Saturday from 1-1:30PM;

Sundays, 9:30-10AM & 12:30-1pm.  On FM radio, and online, Philly's Favor 100.7FM, Sunday"s from 7-7:30AM


On YouTube, "Fountain of Faith" with

Rev. Dr. Daly Barnes. 

On Facebook, "Daly Barnes".






God is in control ALL THE TIME!

Worship Service Schedule