Dr. Daly Barnes Jr. Pastor

Dr. Daly Barnes, Jr., Pastor

Dr. Daly Barnes, Jr., was born April 28, 1957, and is a native of Washington, D.C.  He is the son of the late Reverend Daly and Edna H. Barnes, Sr., who molded and shaped the Christian character rooted in his life today.


Dr. Barnes received his education in the District of Columbia Public Schools, graduating from McKinley Technical High School in June 1975.  In August 1975, He entered Howard University College of Fine Arts on a special talent scholarship in Music.  In 1976, he received a full academic scholarship to complete his tenure at Howard University.  

In May 1979, he graduated Magna Cum Laude from Howard University, with a Bachelor of Music Education degree. 


Dr. Barnes then returned to the D.C. Public School System as an instrumental Music Instructor and Band Director.  He was also nominated for Who's Who Among American Colleges and Universities.  In 1986, he was honored as an Outstanding Young Man of America and was awarded a nationally competitive scholarship from the Princeton Theological Education Fund.  Dr. Barnes received a Master of Divinity Degree from Howard University Divinity School in 1990, having graduated with high honors.  At the time, he was honored with first place award in Howard University's Preaching Festival. 


Dr. Barnes enrolled at The United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio as a Samuel D. Proctor Fellow, and in May 1995, he was conferred the Doctor of Ministry Degree by that institution.  He also served as an adjunct professor in Preaching and Old Testament at Howard from 1996 to 1998.


Dr. Barnes began preaching at the age of 17.  After four years as a licensed minister, upon the recommendation of Reverend E.W. Burrell and the Greater Tried Stone Baptist Church family, he was ordained a Baptist minister by the Baptist Ministers’ Conference of D.C. and Vicinity.  Upon Pastor Burrell’s retirement, Reverend Barnes was elected Pastor of the Greater Tried Stone Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., where he served faithfully for fourteen years.  

In 1998, Dr. Barnes accepted the call to the pastorate of Bethel Baptist Church in White Plains, New York.  Under his leadership, 8:00 a.m. Sunday worship and mid-week noon-day services were initiated.  He established a marriage and family enrichment ministry, as well as the minister’s class, with sons and daughters of the church and other local ministers and pastors as students.


In July 2002, Dr. Barnes accepted the call to become the tenth Pastor of Zion Baptist Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a church with a 125–year history of service to the community.  Under his pastorate, Zion has extended its outreach initiative to university students, street evangelism, enhanced the music ministry, and expanded its media outreach with the creation of the Fountain of Faith Ministries.  This new ministry included two weekly radio broadcast, and cable telecast in the tri-state area.


In January 2010, Dr. Barnes accepted the call to become the Pastor of the 59th Street Baptist Church, where he presently serves.


Dr. Barnes is an anointed evangelist whose goal is to be an instrument whereby unsaved souls will be led to Christ, and the channel through which those who know Christ will find a deeper and more meaningful relationship with Him.


Contact Us

Fifty Ninth Street Baptist Church

315 South 59th Street


Philadelphia, PA 19143


Phone: 215 474 8750


Fax:  215 748 6698

Email: 59thstbaptistchurch@verizon.net

What Keeps Us Going

We're here to welcome you. 


1st Sun., Holy Communion 09:30 a.m. 

1st Sun., Baptism  9:30 a.m.

Worship Service 07:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Sunday School  09:30 a.m. (following 07:45 a.m service)


Bible Study       Wed.  11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Prayer Meeting  Wed.  12:00 p.m. - 01:00 p.m.

Bible Study       Wed.  06:30 p.m. - 07:30 p.m.

Prayer Meeting  Wed.  07:30 p.m. - 08:30 p.m. 



Online on Tunein radio, Gospel Highway 11, 


Wednesday through Saturday from 1-1:30PM;

Sundays, 9:30-10AM & 12:30-1pm.  On FM radio, and online, Philly's Favor 100.7FM, Sunday"s from 7-7:30AM


On YouTube, "Fountain of Faith" with

Rev. Dr. Daly Barnes. 

On Facebook, "Daly Barnes".






God is in control ALL THE TIME!

Worship Service Schedule